Adriatic Solution is specialized in recruiting and supplying qualified and experienced relief crew for your Mega-Yacht, Sailing Vessel or even just tenders or small boats. Relief crew are expected to cover for a regular member of crew that is off the boat temporarily and to cover all the chores of that member of staff. Experienced relief yacht crew are therefore needed to cover in every department of a yacht which includes Yacht Captains, Chief Officers, Marine Engineers, Bosuns, Deckhands, Pursers, Chefs and Stewards/Stewardesses. We also provide skipper hire for quick services such as the collecting of a yacht or tender from the yacht transport ships (e.g. Dockwise Yacht Transport, Seven Star Yacht Transport, etc.) including the delivery straight into the port of call selected by the owner. We offer annual service contracts to individual large yachts, Insurance companies, Brokerage houses, Management companies and Fleet operators. In doing so, we help our clients achieve a more cost effective and structured business model, when it comes to managing crew holidays and sudden crew changes. Our contractual rates are highly competitive in today’s maritime market place and we do not charge large commissions. So, when you need relief staff, be relieved knowing you have just hired one of the best, most experience staff on offer – mature, level headed experts on hand to help out globally for short term contracts. Please get in touch today to